Weekly Roundup #14


04 November 2023 - 11 November 2023

  • Start Block:   4,741,213
  • End Block:  4,842,013


  • Total supply: 1,036,384,116 JOY
  • JOY inflation (since mainnet launch): 3.64%
  • Circulating supply:  752,858,129 JOY
  • Weekly Tokens Minted: 1,592,182 JOY
  • Weekly Tokens Burned: (293,794) JOY

MEXC exchange wallet:

  • Balance:  93,490,605 JOY
  • Weekly Balance change: 2,346,698 JOY

DAO Spending:

  • Start Issuance: 1,035,085,728 JOY
  • End Issuance:  1,036,384,116 JOY
  • Total minted (net): 1,592,182 JOY


  • Council rewards: 116,667 JOY
  • WG spent: 1,208,384 JOY
  • Funding proposals: 0 JOY
  • Creator payout: 0 JOY
  • Validator rewards: 267,143 JOY
  • Fees and token burn: (293,794) JOY



  • Total Videos, qty: 441,002
  • Weekly Videos Growth, qty: 82,393
  • Weekly Videos Growth, %: 22.9%


Provided stats below are for non-empty channels only:

  • Total Channels, qty:  11,208
  • Weekly Channels Growth, qty: 2,903
  • Weekly Channels Growth, 34.9%

Media Storage

  • Total Storage Used: 33,362 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth: 3,994 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth, %: 14.0%

Video NFTs

  • Total NFT: 3,423
  • Weekly NFT Growth: 301
  • Weekly NFT Growth, %: 9.6%
  • Weekly NFT sold: 5


  • Total Membership Accounts: 28,706
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth: 5,104
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth, %: 21.6%

YouTube Partner Program

  • Total payouts: 7.1M JOY (+0.4M JOY)


  • Total sign up channels 11.2k  (+3.2k channels)

Distribution of channels by category:

Distribution of daily YPP Sign up:

Date YPP Channels Number of videos
02.11.2023 338 17278
03.11.2023 349 12769
04.11.2023 384 9829
05.11.2023 397 15279
06.11.2023 382 11857
07.11.2023 252 6783
08.11.2023 358 10228
09.11.2023 446 25007
10.11.2023 156 5701
11.11.2023 212 9026
12.11.2023 187 6661
Total 3461 130418
  • Total  YT subscribers ~50M (+6.5 M)


  • New synced videos: 3,063

More stats on YPP program is available here and in Content working group report here

➡️ Join YPP

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Other Topics

Open Positions

Council Election

Election round 23

  • Election stage: Revealing Period
  • Candidates number: 5



Not passed

Rockstars of The Week

Achikcolors (Gleev)

  • Became a member of Joystream on November 6th
  • Minted a total of 24 NFTs, with an impressive 23 in the past week
  • Specializes in Garo language content, showcasing 52 videos on Gleev

Anisfuad9703 (Gleev)

  • Anisfuad joined Joystream on October 22nd, actively engaging with Gleev
  • Showcases 31 video contents on Gleev, with an impressive 20 uploaded in the past week
  • Demonstrates a dynamic and prolific presence on the platform

Notable Content Creators

SSA Cricket (Twitter)

  • SSA Cricket: YouTube channel with over 28.8K subscribers
  • Offers content on Cricket Coaching, Strength, and Sports Performance
  • Showcases Cricket Highlights for a comprehensive viewing experience

KNK Online Income Tips (Twitter)

  • Offers free online income and trading tips
  • Video topics include Airdrop and Selfdrop income, Token presale, Token review
  • Covers Social Media Bounty and good investment websites

RASEL 365 (Twitter)

  • RASEL 365 boasts of 14.9K subscribers and 800+ videos on youtube
  • Content includes income tips, airdrop updates, mobile tips and tricks, and reviews
  • Diverse range of videos covering various topics for audience engagement

Useful Links

Official Channels

Joystream Website | Medium | Twitter | GitHub | Discord | Reddit | YouTube  | Our documentation

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All forward looking statements,    estimates and commitments found in this blog post should be understood    to be highly uncertain, not binding and for which no guarantees of    accuracy or reliability can be provided. To the fullest extent   permitted  by law, in no event shall Joystream, Jsgenesis or our   affiliates, or  any of our directors, employees, contractors, service   providers or  agents have any liability whatsoever to any person for  any  direct or  indirect loss, liability, cost, claim, expense or damage  of  any kind,  whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, or   otherwise,  arising out of or related to the use of all or part of  this  post, or any  links to third party websites.