12 August 2024 - 19 August 2024

  • Start Block: 8,773,253
  • End Block: 8,874,053


  • Total supply: 1,081,547,046.459 JOY
  • JOY inflation (past 12 months): 5.402%
  • Circulating supply: 977,407,447 JOY
  • Weekly Tokens Minted: 824,002.905 JOY

DAO Spending:

  • Start Issuance: 1,080,723,043.553 JOY
  • End Issuance: 1,081,547,046.459 JOY


  • Council rewards: 233,333.333 JOY
  • WG spent: 230,111.75 JOY
  • Funding proposals: 100,000 JOY
  • Creator payout: 0 JOY
  • Validator rewards: 298,047 JOY
  • Fees and token burn: (37,489.178) JOY



  • Total Videos, qty: 1,413,106
  • Weekly Videos Growth, qty: 160
  • Weekly Videos Growth, %: 0.02%
videos 19 aug


Provided stats below are for non-empty channels only:

  • Total Channels, qty: 29,590
  • Weekly Channels Growth, qty: 34
  • Weekly Channels Growth, 0.12%
channel 19

Media Storage

  • Total Storage Used: 106,482.562 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth: 29.83 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth, %: 0.028%
media 19

Video NFTs

  • Total NFT: 6,358
  • Weekly NFT Growth: 26
  • Weekly NFT Growth, %: 0.42%
  • Weekly NFT sold: 2
nft 19

Creator tokens

  • Total market cap: 1,544,287.216 JOY
  • Weekly cumulative trading volume: 32,113.644 JOY
  • Newly issued: 6
  • Total revenue shares amount: 315,221.662 JOY


  • Total Membership Accounts: 64,492
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth: 190
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth, %: 0.3%
membership 19

Upcoming Events

Recent Events


Hot Topics

Council Election

Election round 37



Not Passed


YouTube Partner Program

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Short-Term Roadmap

Notable Content Creators

Top Virar

  • The channel covers a wide range of unusual stories, viral phenomena, and unique occurrences, often capturing the unexpected.
  • Videos focus on inspiring human experiences and fascinating animal encounters, blending heartwarming and curious narratives.
  • The content also includes educational insights, offering health tips, historical discoveries, and quirky facts that engage and inform viewers.

Relatos sin rostro

  • The channel showcases real-life drama, focusing on followers' experiences with love, betrayal, and family conflicts.
  • Content delve into the complexities of romantic relationships and family tensions, highlighting infidelity, loyalty, and emotional struggles.
  • Followers anonymously share their most challenging and morally complex situations, creating a space for emotionally charged narratives.


  • Channel offers a variety of easy-to-follow recipes, covering everything from savory dishes to sweet desserts.
  • Many recipes are budget-friendly and straightforward, making them accessible for home cooks of all skill levels.
  • The content includes both traditional cultural dishes and healthier meal options, catering to diverse culinary interests.

Useful Links

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Joystream Website | Medium | Twitter | GitHub | Discord | Reddit | YouTube  | Our documentation

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All forward looking statements, estimates and commitments found in this blog post should be understood to be highly uncertain, not binding and for which no guarantees of accuracy or reliability can be provided. To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall Joystream, Jsgenesis or our affiliates, or any of our directors, employees, contractors, service providers or agents have any liability whatsoever to any person for any direct or indirect loss, liability, cost, claim, expense or damage of any kind, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, or otherwise, arising out of or related to the use of all or part of this post, or any links to third party websites.