Weekly Roundup #6


9 September 2023 - 16 September 2023

  • Start Block:    3,934,805
  • End Block:    4,035,605


  • Total supply: 1,029,357,539 JOY
  • JOY inflation (since mainnet launch): 2.93%
  • Circulating supply:  666,955,846 JOY
  • Weekly Tokens Minted: 735,188 JOY
  • Weekly Tokens Burned: (38,186) JOY

MEXC exchange wallet:

  • Balance:  77,397,513 JOY
  • Weekly Balance change: (4,986,133) JOY

DAO Spending:

  • Start Issuance: 1,028,622,351 JOY
  • End Issuance: 1,029,357,539 JOY
  • Total minted (net): 735,188 JOY


  • Council rewards: 116,667 JOY
  • WG spent: 403,707 JOY
  • Funding proposals: 0 JOY
  • Creator payout: 0 JOY
  • Validator rewards: 253,000 JOY
  • Fees and token burn: (38,185.73) JOY



  • Total Videos, qty: 116,558
  • Weekly Videos Growth, qty: 6,043
  • Weekly Videos Growth, %: 5.4%


Provided stats below are for non-empty channels only:

  • Total Channels, qty:  1,189
  • Weekly Channels Growth, qty: 80
  • Weekly Channels Growth, 7.2%

Media Storage

  • Total Storage Used: 15,299 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth: 296 GB
  • Weekly Storage Used Growth, %: 2.0%

Video NFTs

  • Total NFT: 2,234
  • Weekly NFT Growth: 41
  • Weekly NFT Growth, %: 1.8%
  • Weekly NFT sold: 0


  • Total Membership Accounts: 11,673
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth: 459
  • Weekly Membership Accounts Growth, %: 4%

YouTube Partner Program

  • Total payouts: 6,127,354 JOY
  • Weekly payouts: 79,258 JOY


  • Weekly new SignUps: 230
  • Weekly new Verified: 38


  • Weekly new synced videos: 690

More stats on YPP program is available here

➡️ Join YPP

Product Releases

Orion v3.0.1

Atlas & Gleev Updated with patch v4.9.1

Pioneer 1.7.0

  • Added

Improve the multiple recipient funding request proposal preview Links to buy and earn $JOY.

Link to joystream.subscan.io

Short-Term Roadmap

Upcoming Events

  • DAO Daily Standup: Everyday from Monday - Friday at 10:30 CET

Recent Events


Hot Topics

Other Topics

Open Positions

Recent Recruitments

@vikan was hired as a HR coordinator. He first became part of the HR working group during testnet, where he  acquired valuable experience. At mainnet launch, he was hired to the HR  working group from term 3 until term 9 and has remained an active  contributor in the DAO.

@ivant was hired by the builders working group as a QA tester.

@polikosi was hired by the builders working group as a QA tester

Council Election

Election Round 20



Not passed


Rockstars of The Week

@Prontera  (Twitter)

  • Prontera: An active member since September 2021.
  • Recently hired as a content curator at Gleev, quickly adapting to the new binding designs.
  • Proficiently remapping existing, checked and suspended channels into new TIERS, with categorization for suspended channels.
  • Prontera serves as both a Curator and a Verifier in the Content Working Group.

@Omer_OzdemirTR (Twitter)

  • Currently serving as the Deputy Lead of the Content Working Group, making invaluable contributions to the Joystream project.
  • Conducts searches and manages contacts of creators enrolled in the YouTube Partner Program.
  • Exceptional curator known for resourcefulness and efficiency.
  • Omer_OzdemirTR: A founding member, exhibiting strong activity within the DAO during and after the testnet phase.

Useful Links

Official Channels

Joystream Website | Medium | Twitter | GitHub | Discord | Reddit | YouTube  | Our documentation

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Information For Newcomers