Acropolis Acropolis Released After the Council successfully voted through the runtime upgrade, Acropolis is now live!
Joystream Claim Your Role on the Platform A few roles are already active, and you can earn Monero to participate while helping us test and improve! There is however many roles in development...
Athens From Sparta to Athens Athens introduces video content to the platform, and the new `Storage Provider` role.
Sparta The Sack of Sparta Due to an issue, Sparta got rekt on March 29th. Validators and Council Members have been compensated for their troubles.
Joystream Whitepaper Published We are very pleased to share the first public draft of our whitepaper.
Joystream On-chain Consensus Upgrades Without Hardforks One of the main requirements we had deciding on which framework to build on, was the ability to do consensus upgrades through an on-chain governance system.
Sparta Sparta Released We have previously written about why we are paying users monero to participate on our testnet, and how much you can make. This post aims to explain what you can
Joystream Earn Monero on Sparta Testnet Joystream is launching its second testnet. Get paid to participate!
Joystream Launching Testnet - Mesopotamia We have released our first Testnet - codenamed Mesopotamia.
Jsgenesis Introducing Jsgenesis Our first post at our new blog, will be dedicated to the creation of Jsgenesis.
Joystream Welcome to the new Joystream blog Watch this page for updates about Joystream. Afraid you'll forget? Sign up for our newsletter!